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My friend told me about this show and I have become obsessed. I have always wanted to be fit and loved fitness, but never knew how to lose the weight. Finally I had enough of how I looked and I did something about it. This show is so inspiring especially for those who have struggled with their weight. I watch this show every week and tears stream down my face because their stories are so inspring and watching them gain confidence within the two hours is amazing. I was never extremely over weight, but I have a younger brother who does battle the heavy weight that these people battle and so in a way I feel even more connected to these people. Now i'm just rambling, but I also just wanted to say that we should never judge people for how they look and for their weight because you never know their story, and losing weight isn't easy. Going to the gym is not easy when you are super heavy and it is very uncomfortable so whenever I see someone really over weight at the gym, I smile at them and I am proud that they are there because getting there was not easy. Okay I'm sorry for rambling for so long, but if you want to watch this show go to

PS. If you want to know how I lost all my weight email me and I will tell you. I'm still working on the bikini cover body, but each day I am closer.


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